Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How I was diagnosed with Gastroparesis

There are few illnesses I suffer from but right now I'm going to talk about Gastroparesis (GP) and how I deal with it. You can pretty much google the word and BAM!!! a ray of stuff pops up. I will leave that part up to you to do...HINT: do some research and tell me what you find :-)

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, gastroparesis "also called delayed gastric emptying, is a disorder that slows or stops the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine. Normally, the muscles of the stomach, which are controlled by the vagus nerve, contract to break up food and move it through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Gastroparesis can occur when the vagus nerve is damaged by illness or injury and the stomach muscles stop working normally. Food then moves slowly from the stomach to the small intestine or stops moving altogether. Most people diagnosed with gastroparesis have idiopathic gastroparesis, which means a health care provider cannot identify the cause, even with medical tests." In other words, my stomach is paralyzed and don't know why. Makes me wonder why they make wording so complicated and things so long sometimes.

About four years ago, I had collapsed from the abdominal pain I was having. I was having cramps but I was dealing with the pain as best as I can. I had told my doctors about it. I had upper and lower GI exam (if you know what I mean) done; but nothing was found. I started to drop weight but nothing as bad the last two years. But the cramps got worse and the doctors said nothing was wrong so I figured it had to be all in my head and began to brush it off. I would feel cramps and get an under fever and i'd just ignore it. Something is wrong with the thermometer. Over time it was getting worse when came that night I collapsed.

Posted by Smiley Bean Re-Blog By GI Endoscopy Practice

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